Published 10.10.2015

AAIA'16/FedCSIS'16 Data Mining Challenge

Data Mining Challenge

AAIA'16 Data Mining Challenge is the third data mining competition associated with International Symposium on Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Applications which is a part of FedCSIS'16 conference series ( ).
This time, the task is related to the problem of predicting periods of increased seismic activity which may cause life-threatening accidents in underground coal mines.
Prizes worth over 3,000 USD will be awarded to the most successful teams. The contest is sponsored by Research and Development Centre EMAG with support from Polish Information Processing Society.

A special session devoted to the competition will be held at FedCSIS'16 conference. Authors of selected competition reports will be invited to extend them for publication in the conference proceedings and presentation at the conference. The publications will be indexed by IEEE Digital Library and Web of Science. The invited teams will be chosen based on their final competition rank, innovativeness of their approach and quality of the submitted report.


Authors of the top-ranked solutions will be awarded with prizes funded by our sponsors:


  • First Prize: 1000 USD + one free FedCSIS'16 conference registration,
  • Second Prize: 500 USD + one free FedCSIS'16 conference registration,
  • Third Prize: one free FedCSIS'16 conference registration
  • The award ceremony will take place during the FedCSIS'16 conference (September 11-14, 2016, Gdańsk, Poland).



  • October 5, 2015: start of the competition, data sets and description become available,
  • February 27, 2016: deadline for submitting the predictions,
  • February 29, 2016: deadline for sending the reports, end of the challenge,
  • March, 2016: on-line publication of final results, sending invitations for submitting short papers for the special session at FedCSIS'16,
  • April, 2016: deadline for submissions of papers describing the selected solutions,
  • April, 2016: deadline for submissions of camera-ready papers selected for presentation at the FedCSIS'16.