Published 11.04.2023

IJCRS 2023 - important announcement

Dear Colleagues,
IJCRS 2023 will be held in Krakow (Poland) on October 5-8. The dates are synchronized with the ECAI 2023 conference:
Please consider submitting papers to both IJCRS and ECAI.
ECAI conferences are very prestigious and it will be important to have strong exposure of rough set research over there. We will work on some registration discount for those of you who decide to attend both IJCRS and ECAI. Paper submission deadline for IJCRS is not announced yet but in case of ECAI it is approaching very fast (MAY 2, 2023). If any rough set papers are rejected as borderline from ECAI, we will do our best to re-review them in a context of IJCRS.
Paper submission deadline for IJCRS 2023 will be JULY 31. (We are doing post-proceedings this year.)
Our goal is to invite you to join both conferences and enjoy beautiful historical city of Krakow at the beginning of October!
Best regards,
Dominik Slezak, Jaroslaw Was, JingTao Yao
Conference Chairs of IJCRS 2023
Please also remember about the rough set session at FedCSIS 2023 in Warsaw! Paper submission deadline is MAY 23:
Papers rejected as borderline from the rough set session at FedCSIS 2023 can be re-submitted to IJCRS 2023 as well!